Posts by
Alastair Smith

Alastair is a developer based in Cambridge UK working primarily with .NET, although he’s also prone to getting his hands dirty with whatever catches his eye - currently TypeScript and AngularJS. You can generally find him enthusing about TDD, XP, SOLID and design patterns. He’s a co-organiser of DDD East Anglia, the founder of the Cambridge Software Craftsmanship community, and his rallying cry is “Death to legacy code!”.

Alastair Smith

2 February 2015

Alastair Smith

2 February 2015

Desire Lines in software architecture: what can we learn from landscape architecture?

Before Christmas I was talking with Simon about an architectural approach we’d taken on a recent project. The aim of the project is to replace an existing WinForms user interface with a shiny new HTML and JavaScript version. Part of this involves making HTTP requests back to the “engine” of the product, a .NET... Read more